Digital Infrastructures in Russia's War Against Ukraine

Vitalii Atanasov

Russia cynically exploits global anti-colonial sentiments while simultaneously occupying Ukrainian territories, illegally exporting seized grain, and destroying Ukrainian ports. As part of its expansion, Russia aims to control Ukraine's transport, energy, agriculture and communication networks. The digital realm stands out as a crucial battleground for contemporary infrastructural imperialism. 


"Ukraine the Possible" is a podcast dedicated to the possibilities and potential for a just and diverse future for Ukraine we are willing to build after the war.

Every month, the author of the podcast, journalist Vitaliy Atanasov, will present new episodes with high-quality analytics about:

- the experience of living in Ukraine during the war;

- the history of recent decades with their transformations, crises, and inequality;

- challenges associated with overcoming the consequences of war.

In this episode, we will delve into the methods employed by Russian forces to seize and control Ukraine's digital infrastructure, examining the impact on internet services, mobile communication, and broadcasting during the Russian occupation.

Authored by Vitalii Atanasov.

Voiced by the author's cloned voice using an AI tool.

References for Episode 2: Digital Infrastructures in Russia's War Against Ukraine

1. Networks, Corporations, and the Struggle for Global Governance in the Early 20th Century.

2. How Russia Took Over Ukraine’s Internet in Occupied Territories.

3. How Russia took over the Internet in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.

4. The Internet in Crimea: a Case Study on Routing Interregnum.

5. No water, power or internet – only euphoria in newly liberated Kherson.

6. Випалена земля. Як бізнес повертається на Херсонщину та чому шлях буде непростим?

7. The ITU’s Ukraine report is important – so why is it hidden away?

8. Interim assessment on damages to telecommunication infrastructure and resilience of the ICT ecosystem in Ukraine.

9. How Internet intricates with geopolitics. The case of Eastern Ukraine

10. Угроза с Востока: или как работает украинский интернет.

11. Херсонец Клочко о жизни в оккупации: Предчувствия, что русские бросят город и уйдут, не было. По своим каналам они говорили, что будут биться за каждый дом

12. Лавров говорит, что Россия не запятнала себя колониализмом. Так ли это? 

13. Блокада и контроль интернета – что происходит на временно оккупированных территориях

Authored by Vitalii Atanasov. He is a journalist and researcher, editor of Digital Capitalism and Internet Utopias, author of “Anthropogen” podcast. Lives in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Design: Sofiia Bylym
