Hidden from death: the story of Leah Dicker


The second graphic story from the series dedicated to the memories of eyewitnesses to the events of World War II tells about the life of Leah Dicker. She is one of the few who managed to survive the Holocaust in the city of Turka, Lviv region.

The NGO team "After the Silence" learned about Leia in 2021. Activists recorded her memories of her experiences during the Holocaust: the occupation of Turka by the Germans, the loss of her parents, her two-year hiding in the house of local resident Stefania Tuzhanska, her life in a closet and stable, and her departure to Poland. We tried to capture her childhood memories in a different way and created a comic based on the interview.


комікс англ1

комікс англ2

комікс англ3

комікс англ4комікс англ5

лея англ7

англ 7 карточка

лея англ8

лея англ9

лея англ 10 скрін

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лея англ 18 скрінлея англ 19

The comic is translated:

- Ukrainian: Схована від смерті: історія Леї Дікер

- French: Echappée à la mort. L’histoire de Leah Dicker

- German: Vor dem Tod versteckt. Die Geschichte der Leah Dicker
