With the resistance of the Ukrainian people for its victory against the aggression


As in the days of the Vietnamese people's liberation struggle, we have always been on the side of the oppressed and aggressed peoples, whether by the United States (and its NATO allies) or by the USSR (and its Warsaw Pact allies).

We are aware that, crossing the various oceans and continents, the struggle for national and social liberation of peoples is unique and global.

We have never accepted, and we will never accept, that any power, or any military bloc, can prevent a people from deciding its own future, in opposition to the right of peoples to their national self-determination.

For these reasons, we stand with the Resistance of the Ukrainian people against the aggression of Russian imperialism and its attempt to rebuild the Tsarist and then Soviet Empire.

As with other national liberation struggles, our solidarity with the people of Ukraine is unconditional and independent of any judgment on their political leadership, because it is solely up to Ukraine and Ukrainians to decide the future of their country.

It is also incumbent upon the people of Ukraine to decide to continue the war for national independence and to specify the terms of peace with the aggressor.

The effective Ukrainian Resistance in the face of the invasion of the Russian superpower undoubtedly demonstrates the strength of the moral factor and the direction that the will of the people is going, refuting the almost racist theories that make Ukrainians a mere toy in the hands of NATO. In this sense we can on the contrary say that the Ukrainian people have already won morally and politically. The military victory, which we obviously support, will be more difficult to achieve.

The war wanted by Putin's semi-dictatorial regime:
- Is an aggression against the lives of Ukrainian citizens and against the independence of the Ukrainian people;
- Is an aggression against Russian citizen-soldiers of all nationalities, sent to the slaughterhouse and to crush Ukrainians, for the sole purpose of strengthening the Russian domestic political regime and capitalism;
- Is a threat of imperialism and Great Russian nationalism to all post-Soviet republics;
- Is an incentive to other imperial powers to carry out military interventions in the world;
- It has already had the effect of strengthening and expanding NATO, and of multiplying the military expenditures;
- Is an incentive for the proliferation of nuclear weapons, while Ukraine had voluntarily ceded to Russia the strategic and tactical nuclear warheads, as well as the carriers, which made it the third largest nuclear power in the world. In exchange, in 1994, Russia pledged to respect Ukraine's integrity and sovereignty. It is the first State in the world (after South Africa) to have achieved nuclear disarmament unilaterally.
When the semi-dictatorial Russian nationalist regime, which supports many organizations of the European right, suggests that it wants to "denazify" Ukraine, it is an insult to the victims of the Holocaust, to anti-fascism, and also to the sacrifices of the Soviet people in the war against the Third Reich.

It cannot be said that this war is a war between imperialisms, because Ukraine is not an imperialist country, but is on the contrary penetrated by Russian and Western capital.

Peace cannot be presented as an agreement between imperialist powers that would divide spheres of influence to the detriment of the people.

We cannot simply say "stop the war!", but we must fight for the withdrawal of the invading troops or for their military rout.

The people of Ukraine cannot be told "resist!" without recognizing their right to obtain the appropriate weapons for their self-defense, where and how they can.

There can be no equidistance between the Resistance of a people and the aggressor.

For this, we demand maximum solidarity, moral and material, with the Resistance of the Ukrainian people against Putin's imperialist invasion. We ask for solidarity with those in Russia who oppose the war by risking many years in prison and with those Russian soldiers who refuse to continue fighting their Ukrainian brothers.

In addition to local initiatives of solidarity with the people of Ukraine, we propose that a World Day of Solidarity with the Ukrainian Resistance be promulgated, as happened for the liberation struggle of Vietnam and against the imperialist aggression of Iraq.

On the basis of our Declaration, we join the initiative of the European Network in Solidarity with Ukraine (ENSU).


First signatures:

(Argentina) Horacio Tarcus, Beatriz Sarlo, Vera Carnovale, Laura Fernández Cordero, Martín Baña, Alejandro Gallian, Maristella Svampa, Pablo Stefanoni, Pablo Alabarces, Carlos Altamirano, Carlos Penelas, Mariano Schuster, Abel Gilbert, Alejandro Katz, Horacio Ricardo Silva, Karina Jannello, Adrián Gorelik, Hugo Vezzetti, Patricia Collado, Laura Klein, Ernesto Manzanares, Julio Cesar Neffa, María Cecilia Trionfetti, Jorgelina Di Iorio, Carlos A. Suárez, 

(Australia) Susan Kippax, Michael Edwards, Michael Karadjis, Federico Fuentes, Tamara Krawchenko

(Belgique-Belgien) Jean Vogel, Laurent Vogel, Daniel Tanuro

(Brasil) Maria Elisa Cevasco, Vanessa Oliveira, Fernanda Melchionna, Sâmia Bomfim, Vivi Reis, Luciana Genro, Roberto Robaina, Israel Dutra, Pedro Fuentes, Bruno Magalhães, Nara Machado, Robert Ponge, Rosangela Gaze, Luiz Carlos Fadel de Vasconcellos, René Mendes, Fernanda Giannasi, Élena Mazzeo, Ana Maria Giannasi, Eliezer João de Souza, José Marçal Jackson Filho

(Canada) Jeffery R. Webber, Peter McLaren, Richard Fidler, Vida Cuadra

(Catalunya) Alfons Bech, Jonas Nilson, Cristina Mas, Isarn Pardes, Esther del Alcázar, Margarita Olalla, Cristina Darriba, Marc del Alcázar

(Chile) Patricio Calderón, Manuel Sepulveda Calderón, Haroldo Dilla Alfonso 

(Colombia) Jairo Ernesto Luna García

(Cuba) Julio César Guanche, Samuel Farber, Alina Barbara López Hernández, Ivette García González, Mario Juan Valdés Navia, Mauricio de Miranda Parrondo

(Cymru [Wales]) Geoff Ryan

(Deutschland) Harald Etzbach, Eva Gelinsky, Lars Steinau, Sascha Schlenzig

(Ecuador) Marc Saint-Upery

(Éire-Ireland) James Monaghan

(Ελλάδα[Greece]) Pantelis Afthinos,  Tassos Anastassiadis, Elea Foster,  Dimitris Hilaris,  Dimitris Karellas, Yannis Konias, Kostas Kousiantas, Moisis Litsis, Zetta Melambianaki, Sonia Mitralia,  Yorgos Mitralias, Louiza Mizan,  Athena Moss,  Giannis Papadimitriou, Spyros Staveris, Manthos Tavoularis,  Sissy Vovou

(España) Jaime Pastor Verdú, Francesc Matas, Luis M. Sáenz, Ángel Rebollar López, Carmen San José Pérez, Pablo Francescutti, Jesús Jaen Urueña, Bohdan Krawchenko, Javier Cordón Cordón, Juan Manuel Vera, María Teresa Martínez Alcolea, Manuel Pozuelo, Margarita Díaz Pérez, Lucía Castellanos Marcos, Miguel Angel Rodriguez Lorite

(Euskal Herria) Joxe Iriarte «Bikila», Jesus Uzkudun Illarramendi, Marcelino Fraile

(France) Michel Antony, Michael Löwy, Richard Neuville, Dardo Scavino, Jean Puyade, Christian Mahieux, Patrick Silberstein, Robi Morder, Mariana Sanchez, Hélène Roux, Elisa Moros, Catherine Samary, Pierre Pelan, Patrick Le Trehondat, Sylvain Silberstein, Romain Descottes, Francis Sitel, Armand Creus, Jean-Paul Bruckert, Eva Roussel, Irène Paillard, Stefan Bekier, John Barzman, Laurence Boffet, Nara Caldera, Hortensia Ines, Julien Troccaz, Jan Malewski, Vincent Présumey, Julien Salingue, Michel Lanson, Franck Gaudichaud, Didier Epsztajn, Patrick Farbiaz, Denis Paillard, Josette Trat, Richard Walter, Claude Deleville, Georges Sarda, Geneviève Dreyfus-Armand, Marc Daniel Lévy, Ludivine Bantigny, Bruno Groppo, Vincent Bruand, Alexis Cukier, Olivier Besancenot, Frank Mintz, Bruno Della Sudda, Yohann Douhet

(India) Jairus Banaji, Rohini Hensman

(Italia) Antonella Marazzi, Roberto Massari, Michele Nobile, Riccardo Bellofiore, Oreste Scalzone, Laris Massari, Giorgio Amico, Andrea Furlan, Giovanna Vertova, Liben Massari, Dario Giansanti, Cinzia Nachira, Anna Della Ragione, Walter Baldo C., Andrea Coveri, Marco Noris, Brunello Mantelli, Gustavo Rinaldi, Debora Trevisi, Daria Lucca, Alessandro Stiglitz, Francesco Brusa, Luigi Ficarra, Rossana Fatighenti, Piero Maestri

(México) Rafael Mondragón, Manuel Aguilar Mora, Ismael Contreras, Jaime González, Alvaro Vázquez, José Juan Grijalva, Luis Martínez Andrade, Ivett Montalván, Gabriel Roel, Joel Ortega Juárez, Alberto Hijar, Jorge Meléndez, Alejandro Gálvez Cancino, Teresa Juárez Bustos, Linda Ávila, José Atenco, Raymundo Hernández, Alberto Escalante, Guadalupe Aguilar Madrid, Cuauhtémoc Arturo Juárez Pérez, Jesús Alberto Valdés, María Guadalupe Hernández Bravo, María Isabel Cons, Ana Laura Hernández Vázquez, Adán Valencia Córdova, Enrique Alfredo Duarte Rodríguez, María Rosario Quiroz Esquer, Mary Cruz Juárez Ramírez, Ramón Espinoza, Armando Chaguaceda, Carlos Ezequiel Hernández, Marco Aurelio Palma Apodaca, José Martínez Cruz, Jesús Alberto Valdés, María Guadalupe Hernández Bravo, María Isabel Cons, Ana Laura Hernández Vázquez, Enrique Alfredo Duarte Rodríguez, Virginia Barajas Jacinto, Alexis Jovan Aguilera Guillén

(Nederland) Jan Lust

(Österreich) Christian Zeller

(Panama) Ligia Arreaga

(Perú) Hugo Blanco, José-Carlos Mariátegui Ezeta

(Polska) Zbigniew M. Kowalewski, Katarzyna Bielińska, Stefan Zgliczyński, Michał Siermiński, Szymon Martys, Paweł Szelegieniec, Artur Maroń, Jacek Drozda, Paweł Michał Bartolik, Michał Kozłowski, Ewa Majewska, Lech Nijakowski, Piotr Szumlewicz, Zofia Malisz, Łukasz Ostrowski

(Puerto Rico)Carlos Pabón Ortega

(Québec) Marc Bonhomme

(Россuя[Rossija]) Ilya Budraitskis

(Suisse-Schweiz-Svizzera) Stefanie Prezioso, Jean Batou, Jean-Michel Dolivo, Hadrien Buclin, Pino Sergi, Janick Schaufelbuehl, Pierre Vanek, Adrian Zimmermann, Joseph Daher, Angelica Lepori, Gabriella Lima, Alexis Michoud, Matteo Pronzini, Dan Gallin

(Suomi) Nina Veikkolainen, Marcello Ganassini
(‏تونس)‎ [Tunis]) Santiago Alba Rico

(Україна [Ukraïna]) Hanna Perekhoda, Vladislav Starodubtsev, Taras Bilous, Denys Gorbach, Daria Saburova, Andrij Zdorov, Oleksandr Kravchuk, Serhii Ishchenko

(United Kingdom) Alessandra Mezzadri, Gilbert Achcar, Max Civino, Michael Tucker, Christopher Ford, Paul Crofts, Roland Rance, Simon Pirani, Marko Bojcun, Corinna Lotz, Robbie Griffiths, Paul Feldman

(United States) Scott Carter, Linda Allegro, Dan La Botz, Sherry Baron, Nancy Holmstrom, Stephen R. Shalom, Tom Harrison, John Reimann, Sandra McGee Deutsch, Jason Schulman, Alex Chis, Claudette Bégin, Peter Hudis, Suzi Weissman, Robert Brenner, Charles Post, Sam Friedman, Eric Poulos, Ashley Smith, Phil Gasper, Andrew Pollack, Marion Munk, Glenn Allen, Mel Bienenfeld, Aaron Amaral, Jack M. Bloom, Kit Lyons, Gary Holloway, David McCullough, Franklin Dmitryev, David Finkel, Howie Hawkins, William Keach, Avery Wear, Roberta Batorsky, Wendy Thompson, Joel Geier, Carmelo Mesa-Lago

(Uruguay) Gerardo Garay, Gerardo Caetano, Fernando Errandonea

(Venezuela) Stalin Pérez Borges

Apeall of European network for solidarity with Ukraine

Contact: [email protected]

First published:  Utopia rossa

Cover: figures of anti-fascists from the Brotherly Mound Monument are painted in the colours of the Ukrainian flag as a sign of solidarity with Ukraine, in downtown Sofia, Bulgaria / Reuters.
