Fractured Futures: Ukraine's Internally Displaced

Vitalii Atanasov

Millions of Ukrainians are living as refugees in their own land. How the nation responds to their plight will determine its very soul. This episode urgently investigates the massive challenges faced by these internally displaced people – struggling for housing, jobs, and basic dignity amidst war. We dissect the effectiveness of current support systems, revealing the gaps and raising critical questions: 

▪️ Are Ukrainian IDPs being forgotten?
▪️ Is the government truly prioritizing their needs?
▪️ And what crucial, fundamental changes are needed to secure a just and stable future for all Ukrainians?

Authored by Vitalii Atanasov from Kyiv.

About Ukraine the Possible Podcast

The Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine is a war of aggression by a fossil fuel imperialist, so the peoples of Ukraine have no choice but to resist. In the podcast, we discuss the war and its impact, as well as the historical context of transformations, crises and inequality. Despite the tragedy, Ukrainian society has demonstrated its ability to dialogue and cooperate, and its potential for a more just, inclusive and diverse future. And this future requires international solidarity.

References for Episode 9: Ukraine's Internally Displaced

1. Рік без дому. З якими проблемами стикаються переселенці з Криму та Сходу.

2. Чи дійсно українці масово повертаються в окупацію і звідки цифра 150 тисяч.

3. Ukraine — Displacement and Social Cohesion in Ukraine — February 2025.

4. The Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM).


6. Госпомощь внутренним переселенцам в 2023 году: кому и какие выплаты положены.

7. As government cuts support, some internally displaced Ukrainians return home — to Russian occupation.


Authored by Vitalii Atanasov. He is a journalist and researcher, editor of Digital Capitalism and Internet Utopias, author of “Anthropogen” podcast. Lives in Kyiv, Ukraine

Design: Sofiia Bylym
